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Zencart installation: MySQL module

Short description:

When including MySQL module (uncomment: extension=php_mysql.dll in php.ini) - ZenCart pre-installation check (zencart/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect) fails with ither a "white screen" or 500 server error.


In php.ini file increase script's Maximum execution time.
The default value is 30 sec. I set it to 130 :

         max_execution_time = 130

and it I finally saw "MySQL Support = ON" line on Zencart pre-install check page (instead of crashing it with 500 server error)

Detailed description:

I have successfully installed Zencart on my hosting server ( But when I tried to install it on my development machine - it failed when I uncommented MySQL module in php.ini file

... surprisingly (which is quickly turns it frustration) system events log shows no error or any other suspicious activity, Apache and PHP error logs also capture nothing. The only clues are in Apache access.log:
"POST /zencart/zc_install/index.php?main_page=license HTTP/1.1" 302 -
"GET /zencart/zc_install/index.php?main_page=inspect HTTP/1.1" 500 -

After trying one of the suggestions I even manage to get rid of 500 error - it did not solve the problem - pre-check was now failing silently with "white screen".
Setting max_execution_time = 130 (in php.ini) file solved the problem. Note: I have tried setting it to 60 - did not work Zencart installation failed again with a "white screen". So 130 it is.

System setting:

Windows Vista (SP2) 32-bit
PHP 5.3.3 PC3
Appache 2.2
MySQL 5.1.3

Zencart related issues:

I. ZenCart shopping cart installation:

1. cULR install.

Including cURL module does not install cURL - php info shows no sign of cURL...
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